
1) Description

This plugin announces the next weather alerts (72H) in France, Belgium and Switzerland. Previsy also builds sentences that can be used to be sent to you by sms, announced by your home or slack etc…

1.1) Examples of use

Everyday life alerts

You wish to know where to hang the laundry? Prévisy will announce you that the next rain is in 14H and there will be a little wind it’s worth to hang it outside.

Have you just opened a velux? Prévisy will announce the next rainfall to think about closing it or help you to automatically set an alert one hour before the rain.

Indicators for athletes

The day after tomorrow in 31H, Previsy announces you a good breeze. Ideal for windsurfing !

Passionate about snowboarding, are you waiting for the next snowfall? Previsy tells you that the snow stops falling this weekend, it’s coming down pretty well!

As you can see, forecasts can help you in many ways.

1.2) Two ways to use Previsy

With the widget and prebuilt sentences.


Using the raw data directly

You will, of course, be able to retrieve the raw data to create your scenarios and associate them with services (SMS, Slack, Notification, etc.).


2) Installation

2.1) The plugin uses forecast is very regularly saturated. To overcome this problem, Previsy caches the API data and uses it to refresh the widgets if the API is unavailable or too long to respond.

2.2) Configuration


Number of alerts expected to be displayed

This allows you to configure the number of alerts you wish to display.


“You wish to display only the next 2 alerts.”


You can display temperatures in degrees Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F).

Commands to display (optional for your scenarios)

Data allowing you to create your custom scenarios. You just have to check the commands you wish to see appear. You probably won’t need to use all of them. (all commands will be described later).


If you want to display 5 alerts and all the commands you will get a lot of them!

Scheduled task (cron)

If you disable the scheduled task that takes place every hour … the plugin will be useless …


3) Management

3.1) Equipment



Here you enter the name of the city you wish to survey. To allow you to test, a button will be displayed on the right of the entry to test directly on the site If the site is offline or takes a long time to answer, you will have to try again later.

In the url the keyword of the city:


Coordinates of the localisation

Fill in the latitude and longitude of the location you wish to survey. If you enter coordinates, the city will not be taken into account.

In the url the coordinates:

Display predictive text in the widget


This allows to display the predictive text in the widget. Weather warnings (rain, snow, etc…) have priority over wind warnings.

Wind alert threshold


You can set the wind threshold according to the locality. The “wind” alert will not be triggered below this threshold.

3.2) Controls


The number of orders will necessarily be proportional to the number of alerts you have configured.

General controls

Type Control Description
info SynchroVille This corresponds to the city you have registered.
info SynchroLastUpDate Date in “timestamp” format of the last synchronization with the website
info Latitude As its name indicates
info Longitude As its name indicates
info Type_degre °C ou °F
action Rafraichir The famous command to refresh the widget. This will launch a synchro at

The following commands are linked to alert 1 identified by the “01”. The more alerts there are, the more commands there will be.

Type Controls Description
info Alerte+01_txt_full This is the complete sentence. It includes all the indications related to the weather. Example: “In 18 hours, that is to say tomorrow from 4 p.m., it will rain for 1 hour. There will be a total of 0.3 millimeters of precipitation. The humidity level will be 99.0%. The temperature will be 10.5°C. The wind will blow on average at 24.0 km/hr with gusts up to 38.0 km/hr.”
info Alerte+01_txt_start This is the first part of the sentence. Example: “In 18 hours, tomorrow from 4pm, it’s going to rain for 1 hour.”
info Alerte+01_txt_mm This is the part of the sentence related to precipitation. Example: “There will be a total of 0.3 millimeters of precipitation.”
info Alerte+01_txt_humidite This is the part of the sentence related to moisture. Example: “The moisture content will be 99.0%.”
info Alerte+01_txt_temperature This is the part of the sentence related to temperature. Example: “The temperature will be 10.5°C.”
info Alerte+01_txt_vent This is the part of the sentence related to the wind. Example: “The wind will blow at an average of 24.0 km/h with gusts up to 38.0 km/h”.

VYou will have understood it, it will allow you to compose your sentences as you wish!

Type Controls Description
info Alerte+01_dans_heure Next alert in time.
info Alerte+01_date_start Start date of the next alert in YmdHi format.
info Alerte+01_date_end End date of the next alert in YmdHi format.
info Alerte+01_type Type of alert (rain, snow, snow_rain, thunderstorm, fog or wind).
info Alerte+01_condition_max Description of the Highest Alert.
info Alerte+01_duree Duration of the alert (of the same type and successive).
info Alerte+01_mm_min Minimum rainfall
info Alerte+01_mm_max Maximum rainfall.
info Alerte+01_mm_moyenne Average rainfall.
info Alerte+01_mm_total Total rainfall.
info Alerte+01_temp_min Minimum temperature.
info Alerte+01_temp_max Maximum temperature.
info Alerte+01_temp_moyenne Average temperature.
info Alerte+01_humidite_min Minimum humidity.
info Alerte+01_humidite_max Maximum humidity.
info Alerte+01_humidite_moyenne Average humidity.
info Alerte+01_vent_min Minimum wind speed.
info Alerte+01_vent_max Maximum wind speed.
info Alerte+01_vent_moyenne Average wind speed.
info Alerte+01_rafale_min Minimum gust speed.
info Alerte+01_rafale_max Maximum gust speed.
info Alerte+01_rafale_moyenne Average gust speed.